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This series will include five online modules which provide learners a comprehensive, awareness-level understanding of diabetes, to enable them to effectively support, advise, and monitor programs, and services provided through community-based agencies, including Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). This series includes five training modules with each has their own set of pre and posttest questions.
- Module 1 – Diabetes: The Basic Questions and Answers
- Module 2 – A Closer Look at Diabetes
- Module 3 – Social Determinants of Health and Diabetes
- Module 4 – Prediabetes: The Crisis We can Prevent
- Module 5 – Improving Diabetes Care and Outcomes
Learners will have flexibility to take the modules in whatever sequence they want, but the above sequence is recommended. Throughout the modules, learners will be introduced with fictional characters that may or may not have diabetes.
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What You'll Learn
Module 1
- Identify specific data related to diabetes in the United States
- Identify who is at risk for diabetes
- Explain the economic and human cost of diabetes
- Analyze the overall impact diabetes has in the United States
Module 2
- Discuss the causes, symptoms, risks, and management of Type 1 diabetes
- Describe the causes, symptoms, risks, and management of Type 2 diabetes
- Describe the causes, symptoms, risks, and management of gestational diabetes
- Describe the causes, symptoms, risks, and management of prediabetes
- Assess the symptoms and the management based on the scenario presented
Module 3
- Describe the social determinants of health that impact diabetes
- Explain the factors that impact disease management and social determinants of health
- Describe why lack of access to healthy options can influence healthy decision making
- Discuss policy interventions which address social determinants contributing to diabetes
Module 4
- Recognize the impact prediabetes has the American population
- Explain the testing methods to identify prediabetes
- Discuss the prevention strategies for prediabetes
- Analyze the prevention strategies for Tony’s case based on the scenario presented
Module 5
- Discuss ways on improving diabetes care and self-management
- Describe the elements of the Chronic Care Model in improving patient and system outcomes
- Explain emerging practices that could be adopted in your own practice