Western Region Public Health Training Center at the University of Arizona College of Public Health
Best Practices in Program Planning for Local Obesity Prevention
This is an all levels course offering CPH, CHES, and CNE — Free
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0.50 hours
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Evaluators from the Arizona Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education Arm (SNAP-Ed) provide an overview of their program planning process, specifically as related to re-evaluating and defining the focus of their obesity prevention initiative. This course presents examples of conducting a root cause analysis, developing a logic model, and utilizing the Socio-Ecological Model throughout the process of program planning and evaluation.
What You'll Learn
- Employ appropriate methods to engage your priority users in program planning for obesity prevention.
- Prepare to create or revise a program logic model that is informed by root-cause analysis and evidence-based theory.
- Appraise your obesity-prevention program's current stage of development as it relates to best-practice planning.
Related Occupations
Community Health Worker
Health Educator
Other Management & Leadership
Program Director
Public Health Agency Director
Public Health Manager/Program Manager