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The Strategic Skills Training Series developed by the Region 2 PHTC aims to help prepare public health leaders and the public health workforce to develop the practices and competencies associated with being a Chief Health Strategist. This training is the second in the Strategic Skills Training Series focused on Change Management for Public Health Professionals. This module explains the utility of the adaptive leadership model and the 4 dimensions of change readiness to address public health workforce issues, specifically focusing on staff morale. It also guides you through Kotter’s 8-step model to plan, implement, and sustain change within an organization. It also guides you through Kotter’s 8-step model to plan, implement, and sustain change within an organization.
This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills.
This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PHWINS 2017.
Reviewers say, "Great training!"
What You'll Learn
- Explain key elements of the adaptive leadership model.
- List the 4 dimensions of change readiness and list questions to be raised under each dimension.
- Describe how a planned change initiative can be implemented using Kotter's 8-step model.