World Health Organization
Operational Considerations for Managing COVID-19 Cases and Outbreaks on Board Ships
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Under the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005, public health authorities at international ports, airports and ground crossings are required to establish effective contingency plans and arrangements for responding to events that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern and to communicate with their National IHR Focal Point about relevant public health measures.

The current outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disease has spread across borders through travelers, conveyances, which has prompted demands for the detection and management of suspected cases at points of entry (POE), including ports, airports and ground crossings, on board conveyances.

What You'll Learn

  • Draft an outbreak management plan for managing COVID-19 cases and outbreaks onboard ships;
  • Manage an outbreak of COVID-19 disease on board a ship;
  • Perform follow-up epidemiological and environmental investigation.

Competency Terms

Policy Development/Program Planning Skills
Leadership & Systems Thinking Skills

Related Occupations

Department/Bureau Director
Public health - multiple occupations will benefit

Related Job Tasks

Create, champion, and implement policies, plans, and laws that impact health
Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health
