Region VII Midwestern Public Health Training Center (University of Iowa)
HAZMAT Awareness for First Responders
This is an all levels course offering CPH — Free
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1.00 hour


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There are four sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Hospital ‘First Receivers’ and Contaminated Patients in the Hospital
  • Section 2: Recognizing Hazardous Substances in the Emergency Department
  • Section 3: Understanding The Hospital’s Response Plan & Your Role
  • Section 4: Common Hazardous Substances in Your Community

There are review questions at the end of each section. These review questions will provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills presented in these sections. There is a post-test at the end of the course. 

A Certificate of Completion is awarded on successful completion of this course. 

What You'll Learn

  • List four locations HAZMAT incidents occur
  • Use the APIE process during a HAZMAT incident
  • Utilize the Emergency Response Guidebook during a HAZMAT incident
  • Recognize various containers that may contain hazardous materials and list the types of materials most likely contained in them
  • Recognize and interpret DOT labels and placards used to mark hazardous materials in transit
  • Recognize and interpret NFPA labels used to mark hazardous materials in fixed sites

Competency Terms

Emergency Preparedness and Response (all hazards)
Environmental Public Health

Related Occupations

Public health - multiple occupations will benefit

Related Job Tasks

Investigate, diagnose, and address health problems and hazards affecting the population
Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about health, factors that influence it, and how to improve it
