Region V Public Health Training Center
Determinants of Health
This is an introductory course offering CPH — Free
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1.00 hour


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In this module you will hear from University of Michigan faculty as well as practitioners from the Great Lakes region about the conditions in which people can be healthy and the various factors that determine our health. Addressing the social determinants of health will be important to reaching health equity where everyone can achieve their best health.

This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills.  

This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PHWINS 2017. 

Reviewers say, "Great for newer public health learners!" and "The training is very basic in nature but provides a good overview of the subject for anyone not yet introduced to Social Determinants or looking for a refresher."

What You'll Learn

  • Explain biological and genetic factors that affect a population’s health
  • Explain effects of environmental factors on a population’s health
  • Explain behavioral and psychological factors that affect a population’s health
  • Explain the social, political and economic determinants of health and how they contribute to population health and health inequities

Competency Terms

Environmental Public Health
Public Health Science Skills
Foundation of Public Health
Application of Public Health Sciences
Advocacy for Public Health

Related Occupations

Behavioral Health Professional
Community Health Worker
Health Educator
Home Health Worker
Other - Schools
Other Oral Health Professional
Other Physician
Other Registered Nurse-Clinical Services
Other Veterinarian
Physician Assistant
Public health - multiple occupations will benefit
Registered Nurse - Community Health Nurse
Social Services Counselor
Social Worker

Related Job Tasks

Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community needs and assets
Assure an effective system that enables equitable access to the individual services and care needed to be healthy
Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about health, factors that influence it, and how to improve it
