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This course will cover the mental health impact of COVID-19, and how a combination of psychosocial support systems and a wellness perspective can be used to mitigate the effects of the highly disruptive, stressful, and disorienting COVID-19 pandemic. While our focus at this time may be more on physical health and wellbeing, it is vital that we do not overlook the importance of addressing mental health concerns, particularly given the potentially traumatic effect of the pandemic across communities and especially for health workers and other vulnerable populations.
It is important to note that while this course provides a generalized overview of COVID-19’s effect on mental health and wellness, there are differences across countries and contexts. There must not be a one-size-fits-all approach to addressing the mental health and psychosocial needs of the population. Therefore, please use this course as a guide, and continue to familiarize yourself with your context in order to best customize the content we cover here for you and your community’s specific needs.
What You'll Learn
- Communicate the mental health challenges that different community members and especially fellow health workers are facing during this high-stress time, including tips on how to alleviate some of the effects.
- Advise on strategies and resources for self-care, mental health, and de-stigmatization activities.
- Understand how to best support COVID-19-afflicted families and COVID-19 recovered cases via counselling.
- Identify the benefits to health workers of using a wellness-based approach to service patients. Enroll Please visit the COVID-19 Digital Classroom track page to enroll in the course by clicking "join track".