New England Public Health Training Center
Coaching Skills
This is an introductory course offering CPH — Free
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3-5 minutes


1.00 hour


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As a manager, you wear two hats that can be difficult to manage effectively. On one hand, you have to evaluate your employees and make decisions regarding promotions, demotions, salary actions, and terminations. On the other hand, you are also a coach and an advocate for your employees' success. Employees may be reluctant to be frank and discuss weaknesses or mistakes. While there is no perfect solution, this course will help you to understand the problems and provide you with a strategy to effectively balance these two inherently conflicting roles.

What You'll Learn

  • Apply the four-step coaching process.
  • Make clear separations between performance reviews and developmental coaching sessions.
  • Demonstrate how to listen effectively and with empathy.
  • Recognize how to discuss performance issues that will impact an employee's ability to achieve his/her goals.

Related Occupations

Department/Bureau Director
Deputy Director
Human Resources Personnel
Laboratory Scientist - Manager
Laboratory Scientist - Supervisor
Other Management & Leadership
