Northwest Center for Public Health Practice at the University of Washington
Visualizing Data Stories
This is an all levels course offering CPH — Free
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Time to Start
3-5 minutes
1.50 hours
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This module is the third in a three-part series that is designed to help you use data to identify and address health disparities in your community. In this module, you will look at how data visualization techniques can help you communicate health information and tell a story to different audiences.
The story and activities in this module are inspired by problem-based learning (PBL). Through PBL, teams examine thoughtful, collaborative solutions to workplace problems. This module will ask you to apply these solutions to fictional scenarios that help prepare you for similar, real-world situations.
What You'll Learn
- Describe the significance of data visualization as a communication strategy
- Identify three data visualization techniques for communicating health information around social determinants of health
- Compare visualization techniques that tell a story to different audiences
Competency Terms
Analytical/Assessment Skills
Data Analysis
Communication Skills
Written & Oral Communication
Information Dissemination
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
Relationship Building
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