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This training module will help health departments understand workforce development and how to leverage a department’s PH WINS results to enhance workforce development planning. Participants will gain some background and context about what workforce development is, what the PH WINS data is and how to use the data in your workforce development planning, and other data needs to consider when preparing to start your workforce development planning.
Reviewers say, "Great training that breaks down workforce development and how to use the PHWINS data dashboard for governmental public health agencies to create a workforce development plan" and I highly recommend this training especially for public health departments seeking accreditation or re-accreditation."
This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills.
This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PHWINS 2017.
What You'll Learn
- Identify data available through the PH WINS dashboard
- Locate agency demographic, training needs, and retention data through the PH WINS dashboards
- Use PH WINS findings to inform agency workforce development plans