Global Health Learning Center
Social Media for Health and Development
This is an all levels course offering CPH — Free
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2.00 hours


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Social media is a growing and changing communication tool, underutilized within the global health and development sector. In settings with minimal human and financial resources, social media gives implementers the ability to reach a large number of people over a broad geographic area. It allows the user to share information through multiple channels, easily reaching and engaging diverse audiences.

This introductory course on social media will strengthen the capacity of global health and development professionals interested in understanding basic principles of social media, using social media to disseminate global health and development information, and measuring social media activities.

This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills. This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PH WINS 2017. 

What You'll Learn

  • Define the common principles of social media
  • Identify ways in which social media can be (and is currently) used in global health and development
  • Describe some of the features and functionalities of the most popular social media platforms
  • Understand how to create professional social media accounts
  • Learn how to write and synthesize content to fit different social media platforms
  • Recall the steps involved in developing a social media strategy and linking it to programmatic goals and budget
  • Identify different social media strategies for increasing followers and engaging health and development agencies

Competency Terms

Communication Skills
Written & Oral Communication

Related Occupations

Department/Bureau Director
Deputy Director
Health Educator
Health Officer
Information Technology Specialist
Other Management & Leadership
Public health - multiple occupations will benefit
Public Health Manager/Program Manager
