Public Health Foundation
Federal Grants Management Training Series CDC Certified
This is an intermediate course offering CPH — Free
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CDC Certified

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6.00 hours


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The Federal Grants Management Training Series is a self-guided training series that provides grantees with the information needed to assist with the successful and compliant management of federal grants and cooperative agreements. The training series consists of 3 modules:

- Module 1: Federal Grant Basics

- Module 2: Notice of Award, Award Budget, and Subrecipients

- Module 3: Federal Grant Management

The goal of this training series is to help public health organizations understand roles and responsibilities in federal grant management and how to be good stewards of their federal awards. The accompanying Reference Guide is a detailed companion to the training series, providing further information on how to manage a federal award as well as links to additional resources. Both the Reference Guide and audio transcripts are screen reader compatible.

A certificate of completion for this training series can be obtained by completing all 3 modules, passing the post-assessment, and completing an evaluation of the training. The post-assessment will become available after you complete the training series and requires a score of 80% or better to pass. After passing the post-assessment, you will be asked to complete an evaluation of the training. Once the evaluation has been completed, you will be able to access and print your certificate of completion by closing the evaluation to return to the page in TRAIN you used to launch the training and clicking the blue “Print Certificate” button.

We also encourage you to rate the Federal Grants Management Training Series. These ratings help learners in their selection of trainings. Once you complete your evaluation of the training, a rating pop-up box will appear. Rating the training is optional.

The Federal Grants Management Training Series is also available in Spanish and can be accessed here.

This training series is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support, Office of Island Affairs. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.

This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills.  

This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PHWINS 2017. 

What You'll Learn

Module 1:

  • Describe a federal grant
  • Explain the difference between discretionary and formula grants
  • Understand the grants lifecycle from the perspective of an awardee and the federal agency
  • Understand the federal grant application process
  • Identify key areas of a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
  • Access the online tools and portals used in the pre- and post-award stages of the grant lifecycle
  • Understand the many functions and benefits of GrantSolutions for federal awarding agencies, pass-through entities, and recipients

Module 2:

  • Understand all the details in a CDC Notice of Award
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of the principal investigator and other key personnel of a grant-funded project
  • Learn to assess and monitor an approved grant budget
  • Understand the difference between direct and indirect costs, allowable costs and unallowable costs, and explain the different types of program income
  • Determine the key role subrecipients have in the grant-funded project
  • Review the pass-through entity or primary recipient’s oversight responsibilities
  • Determine how to classify a subrecipient from a contractor

Module 3:

  • Understand the critical steps in the post-award phase of the grant
  • Learn the relevance and importance of submitting timely programmatic and financial reports
  • Understand how to establish an internal process for conducting and validating drawdowns
  • Explain the grantee’s audit requirements
  • Learn to anticipate and prepare for award closeout
  • Identify documents to be retained per federal record retention requirements

Competency Terms

Policy Development/Program Planning Skills
Strategic Planning
Public Health Science Skills
Financial Planning & Management Skills
Leadership & Systems Thinking Skills

Related Occupations

Business Support - Accountant/Fiscal
Department/Bureau Director
Grant & Contracts Specialist
Program Director
Public health - multiple occupations will benefit

Related Job Tasks

Utilize legal and regulatory actions designed to improve and protect the public’s health
Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health
